
Showing posts from November, 2017

The Stock Markets National Impact on America

First what is the Stock Market, the market is "a equity market or share market is the aggregation of buyers and sellers of stocks, which represent ownership claims on businesses; these may include securities listed on a public stock exchange as well as those only traded privately." The Stock Market is a very powerful thing ans many powerful people in America play the game of the stock market. This is a very high risk high reward game and this is a dangerous game that has been played in America from as early 1817 when the New York Stock exchange was created and founded on March 8th 1817.  Many things have happened to the market over the 200 years it has been around. But nothing compares to what happened on Tuesday October 29th 1929, this day is known as "Black Tuesday" this was the huge crash in the market because of the massive selling of stocks which lead to the markets crash which is known as Black Tuesday.  Many things go into investing and the buying of s

What even happened after WWI?

World War One is finally over, the world is in shock of how many people have died. The final toll was, 22 million deaths and 11 million of which were civilians. Over 20 million wounded, 10 million refugees across the world. The war cost a whopping total of $338 million dollars. This is the first time ever in the history of the earth where so many lives have been lost, the toll took America by storm and we were in great sadness because of all the lives that have been lost during what people call "The Great War"  Life was hard after world war one, America doubled their economy during that time because America was producing weapons for other country during the war. America's economy was booming during the war so when the war is over and nobody needs weapons and supplies anymore the economy dipped after the war. America was now shifting from wartime products so no money is pouring into America like it was when world war one was taking place. Another rising problem that i