What even happened after WWI?

Image result for World War endingWorld War One is finally over, the world is in shock of how many people have died. The final toll was, 22 million deaths and 11 million of which were civilians. Over 20 million wounded, 10 million refugees across the world. The war cost a whopping total of $338 million dollars. This is the first time ever in the history of the earth where so many lives have been lost, the toll took America by storm and we were in great sadness because of all the lives that have been lost during what people call "The Great War" 

Image result for great depressionLife was hard after world war one, America doubled their economy during that time because America was producing weapons for other country during the war. America's economy was booming during the war so when the war is over and nobody needs weapons and supplies anymore the economy dipped after the war. America was now shifting from wartime products so no money is pouring into America like it was when world war one was taking place.

Another rising problem that is starting to rise in America post world war one is racial tensions. This is caused by "The Great Migration" where African Americans migrated from the south during the industrial revolution because of the increase in jobs in the northern factories. When they came to the north many white males feared for their jobs. When America entered world war one most white males left the states to go fight for America. This lead to the rise of African Americans in the work place. Now when world war was coming to an end and most white males are coming back to America to take their jobs back, but they are taken up by African Americans which will lead to the racism we have today in America.

Image result for calvin coolidge

Further down the road in America's post war slump Calvin Coolidge becomes the 30th president of the United States. This is great for the American economy because was known as a very hands off president which is called "Laissez Faire" this way of presidency was just what America needed to have to get out of the economy slump that America was in. He cut taxes, limited government spending and stacked regulatory commissions with people sympathetic to business. Coolidge once said, “The chief business of the American people is business.” He also rejected U.S. membership in the League of Nations and set high tariffs on imported goods to protect American industry.

Economy is now starting to grow, jobs start to increase and so does production which will lead to the economy booming. The standard of living goes up and Americans are working which leads to a decrease in labor unions and the introduction of "Consumer Credit"

Credit is now being introduced to America and it is revolutionized the American way of life for ever. Consumer credit is basically borrowed money and let's just say America takes advantage of this, by spending it on things that they will never be able to pay back. This will cause many Americans to go into debt, causes of this are because of luxuries like these becoming more accessible.......

  •  Phones
  • Washing machines
  • Automobiles
  • Hair dryers 
  • Q-tips
  • Traffic Lights 
  • Band-Aids 
Image result for model TAll of these things create a BOOM in the United States economy, but there is one thing in America that is suffering while all other things are thriving are the farms of America and the agriculture industry. Ever since the industrial revolution the agriculture industry has been on a constant decline , the increase of technology causes overproduction which leads to the prices being lower on those products. Another big reason of the farms being on a decrease was export were decreasing which for farmers this is awful because how will they make their money because they will not be able to sell and expand their product outside the country so their income will be on a decline. 

Image result for roaring 20's drinkingIn January 1919 the 18th amendment was created which was Prohibition, in which Prohibits the sale, manufacturing, and transportation of alcohol. This law is what makes the roaring 20's so crazy and out pf control because the law was taken as a joke. If you notice the law does not state you can't drink alcohol, it just just says you can't produce it or sell it. This was a very poorly made law and America did not listen to the 18th amendment instead it evoked Americans to drink and break law because that was the new "cool" which will lead to the creation of the amazing times of the "Roaring 20's"



  1. Hey Cason - your blog does a good job at offering a summation of the 1920s. If someone were to create a summary of life from the 2010s, what sort of things do you think they would include? What are the trends of our era?

  2. Well we live in a very strange time period because some of the lifestyles and things we live by are very interesting. The biggest one is probably the overuse of cell phones which is unreal because Americans can not go a second without their phone being in their hand. Life is also not that hard for the average American we are not going through a hard time in America but we did have a pretty significant drop in the economy in 2008 but America bounced back pretty fast unlike the Great Depression in the 1930's. Overall there are many changes on the new ages and a very gap from the 1920's and the 2010's including automobiles, phones, planes, and many other toys and games we have that we never had back then!!!!


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