Capitalism vs Communism in The Cold War

Image result for capitalism vs communismThis is a heated debate between capitalism and communism, this controversial topic has been going on ever since the beginning of the cold war in 1949. But first we have to examine the differences the two. Capitalism is "Capitalism is an economic system and an ideology based on private ownership of the means of production and their operation for profit." This displays that this government grows with the help of the people and their contributions to the government by playing their role to increase the revenue of themselves and the government. Communism is "a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs." This shows that people in a communist country are demanded by the government for all of their things. Basically everyone is equal in this society which will cause many problems in the country.

Image result for communism vs capitalism cold war
This further introduced during the cold war, where the USSR and the US were in heated confrontations which each other because of events that took place like the arms race, this was a time where both countries were gathering weapons to see who has the most in their arsenal to show off and brag to see show the other that they were badder and better than the other. This will will further lead to the constant conflict with each other. This will lead further to the Space Race and to see who could get into space the fastest. 

Image result for marshall planThey contrast between Communism and Capitalism is fairly simple and showed very vividly during the cold war by the reasons I stated above. Now how can we change this from being such a problem? One thing that we have done is provide aid to those who need it during this time. For example the Marshall plan was demonstrated to help by "On April 3, 1948, President Truman signed the Economic Recovery Act of 1948. It became known as the Marshall Plan, named for Secretary of State George Marshall, who in 1947 proposed that the United States provide economic assistance to restore the economic infrastructure of postwar Europe" This was very effective but did have it's effects of the country because of large spending's on these countries


  1. This is a very interesting blog and I really liked how you explained what communism truly is in comparison to capitalism. Also, how you discussed the events that took place during the Cold War was very important information to include when discussing the development of the relationship between the US and the USSR. My question to you is, how did the Cold War impact the relationship between those two countries today? In today's time, is the relationship between the US and the USSR good or bad?

    1. Thank you Lauren, the relationship between the US and the USSR was very difficult and confusing from 1949-1991, because of the constant hate for each other but nothing ever happened. The relationship now is much better because of the fall of the USSR in the 90's and a leading contributor to that was the fall of the Berlin wall that was the wall that divided the east and west sides, in which one side was communist and the other was capitalist. So you can see that one side is the Americans part and the other side is the USSR's. When this fell so did that Soviet Union which was communist. Because of this fall the USSR and the United States are now on mutual terms because of the fall of communism in the USSR which is now widely known as Russia no longer the USSR!!


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