The 5 things that I took away from American History 2

Image result for american dreamAmerican History 2 has taught me many lessons, but where did these lessons come from? The best teacher is experience this is because people will learn from failure which will cause them work even harder to improve or make themselves or the thing they are pursuing better than it was before. History is the greatest example of this, history teaches so many things. The reason we pay attention to the past and listen to older wiser people is because they teach us not to make the same mistake they did and they want us to improve to get better and gain an advantage so we as the future generation can make things easier and more efficient. Today I will be discussing some of the reasons why this important.

One of the first that comes to mind when I think of lessons that the past has taught the United States of America which is us as a society is the power of willingness to fight for what we want. Americans have always had the fight and the want for something that they desire ever since the beginning of the United States of America when a group of brave British men fought back against there very own mother country. This shows that people who want something really bad are willing to lay down their life for their country and most importantly for what they stand for. This is still being demonstrated today because of the mass protest for things such as women's rights and civil rights. These willingness of Americans has had a lasting impact on the United States of America.

Image result for george washington american revolutionAnother important lesson that has been taught is accountability which is making sure that people are doing their job and doing it the right way and doing while doing that job or task also doing right by people. Even though this lesson is not always seen or demonstrated, it is still recommended. George Washington before he left the office as the first President of the United States gave the US some rules that should follow. One of these rules was to watch out for foreign conflict and to keep to ourselves. We all know how that played out...... He also had another recommendation which was that presidents should only serve two terms or less, this recommendation was also not followed. The purpose of me telling you this is because George Washington way back then was trying to teach us to be accountable and to watch out for one another.

Image result for we can do itAmerica has also learned lessons the hard way, the most memorable one was on December 7th 1941, this day will forever be remembered in all Americans hearts, because this was the day of the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese fighter jets who bombed and tried to whip out the American Naval Fleet that was stationed at pearl harbor at that time. The attack happened early on a Sunday morning around 7 am, the jets flew over and dropped bombs all over the naval fleet. The destruction was detrimental. This lesson taught Americans never to turn their back on a threat even if you don't see it coming, you have to be aware of the threat and know how to contain the threat. This lesson is very important to America because many years after this other horrible disasters have happened to many Americans which cost them their lives.

The final lesson that Americans have learned over the years is to never ever give up, this is the power of doing something because you love it and no one else can tell you different because this soul power that you have and the will do never stop fighting for what you love. This has been shown in many examples over the many many years of Americans.

Works Cited!


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